Healing & prayer

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings should be made for everyone…”

Messiah Episcopal Church is a community that believes in prayer. Prayer ministries at Messiah take a variety of forms, depending on needs and circumstances. Below are a number of ways to pray for others and receive prayer. If you’re interested in volunteering for any of these ministries, please contact us.

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our prayer ministries


Every Sunday an important and vital part of our worship is the time we spend in prayer both for those within the Messiah community and for the needs of the wider world. During the prayers there are  opportunities for members of the congregation to include other prayer concerns and thanksgivings. Don’t be shy about praying aloud at those times. 


Every Sunday at 8:30 and 11 a.m. two or more people take time throughout the service for focused prayer that the Holy Spirit may be powerfully present in our worship, and that lives may be transformed as a result.


Each Sunday during the administration of Holy Communion, members of our Healing Team are ‘on duty’ to come alongside any with special prayer needs. Illness, relationship difficulties, employment issues, and guidance for an important decision, are just a few examples of the kinds of concerns that are brought for private prayer. Please do not hesitate to come forward at this time if there is a matter on your heart.


The Prayer Net is a group of people commissioned for the ministry of praying for others. These include requests received through prayer request cards in the pew, as well as online requests.  If you wish to have others pray for you send your request to prayer@messiahepiscopal.org.


Each Wednesday at 6:30 a.m. a group of men gather in the Quiet Room (and/or via Zoom) for Morning Prayer and a time of intercession for the leadership of the church, as well as for other needs that crop up. This is often followed by coffee and conversation at a nearby coffee shop in Highland Village.


The Friendly Visitor Ministry is a caring ministry to the homebound and those who are temporarily unable to attend church due to physical, mental or emotional illness.  Our purpose is to help fellow parishioners stay a part of our congregation by sharing news, love, support, and encouragement.  We will also bring home communion to those who desire this.  If you wish to receive a visit or know someone who would benefit from this please call the church office.